07/16/24 Verbs


One-year plan: Nehemiah 9-10, Acts 14:8-15:5

Two-year plan: Joshua 15:20-63, Luke 8:40-56


Today, I’m struck by verbs. I realize that statement might seem an odd way to start a daily devotion, but today’s Old Testament reading takes me in that direction. That reading includes a time of national confession of sin among the Hebrews when the people stood and confessed their sin. The Levites also led in a prayer that spoke powerfully about who God is and what He does. 

Note some of the verbs in Nehemiah 9: “you created” (v. 6), “you give life” (v. 6), “you chose Abram” (v. 7), “you have fulfilled your promise” (v. 8), “you performed signs and wonders” (v. 10), “you divided the sea” (v. 11), “you led them” (v. 12), “you came down . . .  and spoke to them” (v. 13), “you provided bread . . . and brought them water” (v. 15), “you did not abandon them” (v. 19), “you sent your good Spirit” (v. 20), “you provided for them” (v. 21), “you gave them kingdoms” (v. 22), “you multiplied their descendants” (v. 23), “you handed them over . . . you gave them deliverers” (v. 27), “you did not destroy them or abandon them” (v. 31). 

Our God is a powerful, patient, and pursuing God. He is worthy of our worship.  

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What verbs would you use to describe what God has done in your life?       

DAILY PRAYER: “God, thank You for all you have done for Your people.”


One-year plan: Nehemiah 11-13, Acts 15:6-41

Two-year plan: Joshua 16-18, Luke 9:1-9

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