07/23/24 Living as a Threat


One-year plan: Job 6-8, Acts 18:18-19:20

Two-year plan: Joshua 23-24, Luke 9:57-10:12


It’s that time of year when I come across the theme verses for my life mission statement: Acts 19:11-15. Anyone who knows me well at all knows how much these verses challenge me no matter how long I’ve been a believer. In fact, I first adopted these verses more than 25 years ago. 

In Acts 19, the sons of Sceva attempted to cast out a demon, primarily by trying to “magically” employ the name of Jesus and tap into the power the apostle Paul exhibited. They spoke to a demon, “In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches, come out”—and this time the demon spoke back:

  • “Jesus I know” – because the demons recognized the Son of God
  • “Paul I know” – because the demons recognized one who walks with God
  • “but who are you?” – because nothing in the lives of the Jewish exorcists threatened the enemy; in essence, the demon said, “You don’t scare me”

I fear that especially in North America, the enemy is hardly alarmed by our weak Christian lives that lack credibility and our church activity that lacks power. For that reason, I ask the Lord to help me live out my personal mission statement: “To love Christ and live and speak for Him in such a way that God is glorified and Satan is threatened.” 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Is your life a threat to the enemy?         

DAILY PRAYER: “Help me, God, to walk with You in such a way that the enemy knows me by name.” 


One-year plan: Job 9-11, Acts 19:21-20:6

Two-year plan: Judges 1, Luke 10:13-24

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