07/25/24 Urgency


One-year plan: Job 12-15, Acts 20:7-38

Two-year plan: Judges 2-3, Luke 10:25-42


The story is both humorous and convicting. Paul had been preaching for a long time—even until midnight—and a young man named Eutychus tired, fell asleep, tumbled out a window, and died. Perhaps he was sitting by the window to get air, but his choice to be there led to his tragic death. That story is not humorous, of course, but I can understand the young man’s situation. Frankly, I can fall asleep quickly when I’ve finally settled down, and I struggle listening when someone speaks for a long time; thus, I could have been this young man in the right situation. 

What’s most funny to me in this story is Paul’s response. He halted his preaching, went down and brought life into the young man through resurrection, returned to be with the people (perhaps to observe the Lord’s Supper and have a fellowship meal), and then kept preaching until dawn! Apparently, the death of a young man when Paul had already been preaching a long time was not enough to keep him from preaching more. The urgency of speaking of Jesus to a lost world compelled Paul to keep preaching. 

We need this kind of gospel-centered passion! 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Is your life marked by Great Commission passion?         

DAILY PRAYER: “God, thank You for the privilege of speaking about You. Give me the urgency of Paul today.” 


One-year plan: Job 16-19, Acts 21:1-25

Two-year plan: Judges 4-5, Luke 11:1-13

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