07/31/24 Toward God and Men


One-year plan: Job 28-30, Acts 23:23-24:27

Two-year plan: Judges 8:22-9:21, Luke 12:1-7


There are times when we simply need to meditate on the Word and then evaluate our life through that grid. These two verses from Acts (the first one from yesterday’s reading) are that type of verse for me:

Acts 23:1         Paul looked intently at the Sanhedrin and said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience until this day.”

Acts 24:16       “I always do my best to have a clear conscience toward God and men.” 

To have a clear conscience before God and others — what a goal! When I think of that description, I consider so many different applications in my life:

  • confessing all sin before God, hiding nothing and repenting from all of it
  • being faithful in acts of obedience, living in the Word, praying regularly, and sharing the Good News
  • loving my wife as Christ loves the Church
  • leaving my gifts at the altar and seeking reconciliation if I know someone has something against me
  • living in such a way that I’m not a stumbling block to anyone
  • serving moment by moment to have a clean heart and mind.

I long for such a clear conscience — so sweetly pure that I fear neither the threats of men nor the judgment of God. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you have a clear conscience toward God and men?          

DAILY PRAYER: “God, show me any place where my conscience is not clear.” 


One-year plan: Job 31-32, Acts 25

Two-year plan: Judges 9:22-10:18, Luke 12:8-21

*first published in 2015

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