6 Reasons Why Fellowship Matters to This Highly-Introverted Professor/Pastor + Other Posts about Being Introverted

I’ve written in the past about introverts—primarily because I am one:

9 Reasons Introverts Can Do Well in Ministry 

7 Thoughts on Introverts and Evangelism 

I’m so introverted, in fact, that I would gladly go off the scale toward the “I” characteristic on a personality test if I could. Even with that personality trait, however, being with other Christian believers really matters to me. Here’s why:

  1. I need the encouragement of other believers. I like my space, but I also need to know I’m not alone as I carry out my oft-itinerant speaking ministry.  Hearing someone say directly to me, “I’m praying for you” encourages me in ways I cannot explain. 
  2. I need fellowship to avoid the spiritual danger of living an isolated life. Almost every church leader I’ve known who has fallen morally had separated himself at some level from other believers—even if they were still attending church. I don’t need to be in that risky situation. 
  3. Connecting with other believers requires intentional obedience for me—and that’s a good place to be. I must assemble with the people of God and worship Him together. I must relate to others as genuine brothers and sisters in Christ. Doing so, though, isn’t easy for me, so I just have to obey the Spirit’s leading. That’s okay.  
  4. I grow by watching the faith of other believers. Some are facing battles I’ve never faced, but they simply trust the Lord. Others have already come through tough days, and now they rejoice over what God meant for good in their lives. Some fight desperately to defeat sin and live godly lives. All of these believers inspire me—so I must press against my introversion and choose to be with Christ-followers.
  5. The church gives me opportunity to teach others about having a deep “quiet time” with God. Introverts like the quiet, and we usually ponder deeply about our most important thoughts. We still need to prioritize our time with the Lord, but we do have something to teach others who are sometimes less prone to do deeper study. 
  6. Other introverts in the church need fellowship, too, and I can easily connect with them. Sometimes we find security in a group of other introverts, but the fellowship can be sweet and genuine. In addition, we can help each other rejoice over how God has made us while we also push each other to get outside our own bubbles.  

If you’re an introvert, what would you add? 

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