7 Sweet Gifts God Gives Us

To be honest, I’m just thinking out loud today about special gifts God gives us at times. While we’re called to trust God no matter what we face—even when we wonder if He is listening to our prayers—it’s especially sweet when God gives us these gifts:

  1. He graciously lets us know in just the right moment that other believers are praying for us.Even in the last two weeks, I’ve had two opportunities when a brother or sister in Christ sent me word they were praying for me. As you might expect, I needed that prayer right then. 
  2. He grants us the answer to a long-held, ongoing prayer. His timing is seldom ours, but He is not worried about our calendar or our clock. Sometimes, He supernaturally comes through in such a way that we learn again just how right His timing is. 
  3. He helps us understand a difficulty we’re facing or have faced. We may not comprehend all His reasons—and God is under no obligation to explain things to us—but we’re reminded like Joseph (Gen 50:20) that God planned it all for good. Knowing that truth in the tough times of life is sweet indeed. 
  4. He gives us a sweet night of rest, even after difficult days. There’s nothing quite like resting deeply in the arms of God, living out a peace the world can not comprehend (Phil 4:7). That sleep is especially sweet when God helps us lay our ongoing burdens at His feel; we sleep well because the One who created and saved us watches over us. 
  5. He fills us with joy when we’re in the center of His will. That center can be a dangerous place in a world opposed to God, but there’s nevertheless genuine joy there. Truth is, I cannot adequately describe what happens internally when you just know you’re doing what God has called you to do. Even when it’s hard, it’s sweet. 
  6. He gives us Christian family. As one not raised in a Christian home, I know the beauty of having Christians take me under their care and invite me into their family. I will never forget, for example, the first time I sat at a table with a Christian family and began the dinner with a prayer of thanksgiving. To this day, that family—now a family of which I am a part—brings me joy. 
  7. He just loves us. He really, really does—and sometimes He makes that love especially real to us. You don’t question it; you just bask in it. When you know that sweet love, you’re willing to follow Him wherever He leads. 

“Thank You, Lord, for Your sweet gifts to us today. Amen.”

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