An Update on My Plans for Future Blog Posts, and a Request for Your Help

First, thank you to all my readers who have faithfully read these posts for more than ten years now. Second, I want you to know my plans beginning this week. I have been posting four days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday)—but I have been deeply burdened about offering as much encouragement as I can to believers and leaders seeking to follow Christ in a crazy, chaotic world. 

For that reason, I am going to add a “simple word of encouragement” post on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, with Saturday always being something to strengthen church leaders for the weekend. Sunday posts will remain the same. These new posts will be very brief—sometimes a short quote, sometimes a statistic, sometimes a prayer, sometimes a Bible verse, sometimes a recommended resource—and they will take little time to read. My prayer is that taking a couple minutes to read these simple posts throughout the week will help you look forward to each day.

Because I know pastors and leaders need inspiration and support, I am asking for your help in encouraging others to join us. If you will send me the names and email addresses of folks you’d recommend receiving these posts, I’m happy to follow up with them personally.  Even if they’re not interested in subscribing, I want to encourage them with even one email. 

For those who do send me names to contact via this site over the next week, I will enter names into a drawing to receive the two books on spiritual warfare Bill Cook and I have co-writtenSpiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scriptureand Victory over the EnemyThank you, friend, for taking the time to read this post. May the Lord bless you today!

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