08/06/24 From Dawn to Dusk


One-year plan: Job 40-42, Acts 28

Two-year plan: Judges 14-15, Luke 12:54-13:9


His passion for Jesus was great. Consequently, so were his commitment and zeal to talk about Him. Even from house arrest, Paul gave himself fully to proclaiming the Word: “From dawn to dusk he expounded and testified about the kingdom of God” (Acts 28:23). When he could certainly have talked about his own difficulties and justified himself, Paul did not focus in that direction; instead, he pointed the people to Jesus (Acts 28:31). 

All day long, in fact. 

Daily, he boldly proclaimed Jesus. 

Not everyone listened to him, but some did—and those who followed Jesus surely caused Paul’s heart to leap. I wonder today what it would be like to proclaim Jesus all day and celebrate as others turn to Jesus. Even if they were only a few, just one new believer would encourage me to continue telling the story in hopes that others would believe. May the Lord grant us the gift of seeing others believe through our ministry efforts! 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: When was the last time you led someone to follow Jesus?          

DAILY PRAYER: “God, grow my passion for You so strongly that I cannot help but talk about You. 


One-year plan: Psalms 1-7, Romans 1:1-25

Two-year plan: Judges 16-17, Luke 13:10-21

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