08/08/24 Accountability


One-year plan: Psalms 8-16, Romans 1:26-2:16

Two-year plan: Judges 18-19, Luke 13:22-14:6


Maybe you know someone like the wicked person described in Psalm 10. We may not like using the word “wicked” to describe anyone we know, but today’s reading describes one whose life is summarized in that word. What particularly catches my heart are primary descriptors of how the wicked lived his life. First, he lived as if there were no God: “The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him. All his thoughts are, ‘There is no God’” (Psa. 10:4). Second, he saw God as a God who pays little attention to what is happening: “He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; He has hidden His face; He will never see it” (Psa. 10:11). Third, he assumed he would never be held accountable: “Why does the wicked renounce God and say in his heart, ‘You will not call to account’”? (Psa. 10:13).

To summarize, the wicked lived his life as if there were no God – even if he seemingly affirmed intellectually His existence. He assumed he would “get away with” his sin, never facing accountability for his choices. He saw no need to turn to God for anything.

I pray that these verses do not describe my life, but I can’t help but wonder how often my choices suggest that I think like the wicked man in Psalm 10 – thinking God doesn’t see my sin and won’t hold me accountable to it anyway. It seems to me that the more flippant I am about my sin, the closer I am to the wicked man’s position.

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you ever live like the wicked man?

DAILY PRAYER: “God, remind me today that I’m accountable to You.”


One-year plan: Psalms 17-19, Romans 2:17-3:8

Two-year plan: Judges 20, Luke 14:7-24

*first published in 2017


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