08/12/24 No Boasting


One-year plan: Psalms 20-25, Romans 3:9-4:8

Two-year plan: Judges 21, Luke 14:25-35


We are so prone toward ego. No matter who we are, we lean toward ego apart from the intervening grace of God. Even regarding our faith walk, we can sometimes be egotistical. We sometimes think we earn salvation by our own works—a thought that Paul strongly refutes in today’s New Testament reading. Or, some think, like the Jews of Paul’s day often thought, they have reason for boasting because God has specially chosen them—an idea that Paul also challenges. In no case is there a place for boasting when all our walk with God is by grace through faith. 

So, if I follow God fully and faithfully today, I still have no reason to boast. If I reject every temptation that comes my way, it won’t be because of my efforts. If I submit to God and resist the devil throughout the day, victory will still come only by grace and faith. God has lovingly made me His child, but that truth hardly means that I’m worthy—certainly not more worthy than others. I’ve sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but God has justified me freely anyway. That gracious truth removes any ground for boasting. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you ever tempted to boast, even about your walk with God? 

DAILY PRAYER: “Father, remind me today that it’s all about grace and faith.”


One-year plan: Psalms 26-31, Romans 4:9-5:11

Two-year plan: Ruth 1-2, Luke 15:1-10

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