8 Things to Do if You Don’t Want to Go to Church this Weekend

It happens. Even believers sometimes struggle with wanting to go to church on any given weekend. The reasons for that can be numerous, but gathering to worship with believers really does matter. Here are some things to do if you don’t want to go this weekend:

  1. Be honest with God about your feelings. Don’t hesitate to talk to God about this concern. He already knows your heart, but it does us good to have a conversation with Him. 
  2. Recognize that feelings can be fleeting. What you are feeling right now might not be what you’re feeling tomorrow or Sunday. Pray as suggested in this post. Serve somebody today. Sing some praise choruses or hymns. Get some rest. You might be in a better mindset tomorrow. 
  3. Consider believers around the world who long to gather with other believers. I start here not to create guilt, but to remind us that some believers cannot go to worship without threat on their lives. We who can go freely too often take that privilege for granted. 
  4. Begin now asking God to help you want to worship Him with His children. Believers can drive us crazy some days (and we can drive others crazy, too), but they’re still God’s sons and daughters. Pray daily that God will move your heart to want to be with them. 
  5. If you are frustrated with your pastor, pray for him to preach the Word this week. It’s the Word you need to hear this weekend—not the voice of your pastor. If he preaches the Word, there is something for you to hear. 
  6. Plan to look for “glimpses” of God’s work in your church this weekend. Even if you see a bunch of things that need correction, ask God to show you some little things that He’s doing among your congregation. Look for them, and you’ll find church more enjoyable. 
  7. Go to be a blessing rather than to be blessed. If you already don’t want to go, you’re likely not thinking much about what you have to offer to the congregation. Go – but plan to offer a kind word to somebody, to say “thank you” to somebody, to listen for needs among other believers, to pray for somebody. Plan to bless—and you can look forward to being God’s instrument of grace. 
  8. Just go—and trust the Lord. It’s His church. You’re His child. Trust that He wants to show You something even if your church is messy right now. 

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