08/04/24 Gracious Care


One-year plan: Psalms 105-106, 1 Corinthians 7:25-8:13

Two-year plan: 1 Samuel 24-25, Luke 21:7-24

I still remember my early days as a believer when I evangelized others frequently and passionately. If I’m honest, though, there are days that I long for that kind of zeal again. Sometimes it’s just too easy to forget God’s care or take His gifts for granted. Remembering all that God has done for us ought to be a motivator to announce His goodness to others. 

In Psalm 105, the psalmist rehearsed God’s gracious care for His people. They, however (not unlike us), “soon forgot his works” (Psa 106:13). When we forget all God has done for us, that’s a sure sign that our attention is focused on the wrong things. On the other hand, those who rejoice in God’s ongoing, deeply committed care will talk about Him. In the words of psalmist, they will “give thanks to the Lord” (Psa 105:1), proclaim His deeds to others, sing his praises, boast only in Him, and tell others about God’s wonderful works.

We’re all guilty of rebellion. We all sin—but Jesus is the answer to our rebellion. He is worthy of our telling the story to others. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you have such zeal for God that you can’t help but proclaim His name?   

DAILY PRAYER: “God, help me never to forget You.”


One-year plan: Psalms 107-111, 1 Corinthians 9:1-10:13

Two-year plan: 1 Samuel 26, Luke 21:7-24 

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