Tuesday’s Encourgement for Pastors Who Think They’ve Failed

If that’s where you are, hear the honest but encouraging words of David Murray:

Learning to fail well is a vital part of the Christian life. A pastor said to me recently, “The first ten years of ministry is all about being broken and stripped!” I must have had a crash course, because it took me only five years to be broken, stripped, and branded a failure in the ministry! These were dark, dark days. Yet I know that my ten months in the school of ministry failure gave me my most valuable degree—​​​a master’s in how to fail well. As one man admitted to me: “I shudder to think where I would be today if God had not let me fail. My failures may have been painful, but unbroken success would have been deadly. Failure is one of God’s greatest gifts to me.”

David Murray, Reset: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture (pp. 107-108). Crossway. Kindle Edition.

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