With Deep Gratitude

I know there are church members who are most likely not genuine believers. I also recognize that some church members are believers, but they act childishly because no one has ever discipled them. On the other hand, God has called, redeemed, and grown through His Spirit some incredible Christ-followers. 

This past weekend, I had opportunity to spend some time with two of the godliest men I have ever met – and I was reminded of God’s gift as I listened to them. They joined one of my classes at Southeastern Seminary only via Internet, but their passion for Jesus was evident even on the screen. 

Here’s what I know about these men:

  • They love the Word of God so much that it naturally drips off their lips. 
  • Prayer is so much a part of their lives that you can just sense the depth of their personal, intimate relationship with God. 
  • Both men pastored churches for decades – and their loving, patient, persistent stick-to-it-ness is an illustration of their faith.
  • Now in the 70s and 80s respectively, they still pray for non-believers and share the gospel with others regularly. It’s as if they can’t help but talk about Jesus. 
  • Let them talk about God’s unending, faithful love for them, and they might become grown men who weep without embarrassment. 
  • Their love for their family is apparent in their words, their prayers, and their priorities. You want them to be your dad or granddad. 
  • I suspect their journals, now filled with decades of their journey, reverberate more with God and His grace than with their own names and stories. That’s because they always point to Jesus. 
  • Both men have dozens of people they discipled who are now serving in ministry literally all around the world. They’ve intentionally mentored others for decades–and still do.
  • They are for me the closest I’ve seen to anyone who can say with the apostle Paul, “Imitate me as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1). 

Some of my students said of these men after listening to them, “That’s who I want to be when I grow up.”  So do I.  

So, here’s my gratitude to God: I don’t know why God has so graciously allowed my life to intersect with the lives of these men, but I’m deeply, deeply thankful. They both pray for me, and just knowing they’re doing that strengthens my faith and compels me to give my all for Christ. I trust I’m a better man because God was given me this gift of these brothers. 

And, in God’s grace, I could write many more posts about others who’ve shown me faith lived out through the years. 

Thank you, Lord. I am humbled. 

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