10/15/24 Family


One-year plan: Isaiah 30-33, Philippians 2:19-3:11

Two-year plan: 1 Kings 11:14-12:19, John 6:16-21


Yesterday, I spoke with a pastor who has just moved to a new church, and he and I talked about how much I miss pastoring even almost 30 years since I left the full-time pastorate. The Lord has not called us yet to return to that role, but my brother made a comment that caught my attention: “Chuck, when they’re right, there’s nothing quite like relationships in the Body of Christ.” I agree with him, and that’s what I miss most about pastoring: walking with and beside people as they walk with Christ. 

Paul’s relationships with believers were unique, of course, but my love for God’s people grabbed my attention as I read today’s New Testament texts:

  • “he [Timothy] has served with me in the gospel ministry like a son with a father” (Phil 2:22)
  • “Epaphroditus—my brother, coworker, and fellow soldier” (Phil 2:25)
  • “my brothers and sisters” (Phil 3:1)

Somehow, believers often become closer to us than our families of origin—and only God makes that happen. He produces in us a unity and camaraderie that the world cannot understand. There truly is nothing quite like Christian family in the local church; in fact, we can press on best toward the prize in Christ when we press on together. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you participating fully in your local church?              

DAILY PRAYER: “God, I thank You for the family in Christ You have given me.”  


One-year plan: Isaiah 34-37, Philippians 3:12-4:23

Two-year plan: 1 Kings 12:20-13:34, John 6:22-43

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