10/16/24 A Remedy for Worry


One-year plan: Isaiah 34-37, Philippians 3:12-4:23

Two-year plan: 1 Kings 12:20-13:34, John 6:22-43


I confess that I am a worrier. I know better, but I struggle at times just leaving things with the Lord. In fact, I previously wrote a blog post on “8 Reasons I Let Concerns Keep Me Awake at Night.” Every time I read Philippians 4, though, I’m reminded of a simple remedy to worry: pray about everything (Phil 4:6). 

I continually need this reminder that the solution to worry rests here. That, in fact, is one of the reasons I so love the Word of God. God knew what we (I) would need to hear over and over again, and He always convicts my heart when I get to these verses. Prayer is not the final recourse; it’s the first step to take. It’s a solution rather than just a step toward the solution. Worry cannot add anything to our lives, but prayer can bring peace and comfort. 

Prayer says, “God, I love You and I need You” – and turning to Him in this way breaks the hold that worry sometimes has over us. He can handle anything that creates a burden for us. I just need to remember this truth and turn to God immediately in prayer before worry sets in.

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you turn to God quickly when worry lingers at the door?              

DAILY PRAYER: “God, help me to turn to trust You with my worries.”  


One-year plan: Isaiah 38-41, Colossians 1:1-2:3

Two-year plan: 1 Kings 14, John 6:44-59

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