One-year plan: Jeremiah 49-50, Hebrews 7-8
Two-year plan: 2 Kings 20-21, John 12:20-36
NOTE: I first wrote this devotion in 2019—but it’s so remarkably true for me today that its words are still right on target. It really is amazing how God grabs us in just the right time and just the right way.
God’s timing is always perfect. When He knows we need encouragement, He provides it. When we’re questioning, He meets us with hope. When He knows we need to wait for our good and His glory, He grants us patience. Today, I’m so grateful for the Word that speaks to my heart in just the right time!
I needed the reminder today that Jesus prays for us—that He “always lives to intercede” for us (Heb 7:25). He is our eternal high priest who saves us completely, the one who is “holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (Heb 7:26). This truth means that we who are Christians are never alone, never fighting battles on our own, never “unprayed for.” He offered Himself for us in the past, and He intercedes for us in the present.
Many of us can name wonderful, godly believers who pray for us—but none of these intercessors can match the intercessor Son of God. So, why would we worry or fear when our Mediator prays for us?
May God help me to remember today what He’s taught me in the past!
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How would your life be different if you meditated on the truth of Jesus’ intercession for you?
DAILY PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, thank You so much for interceding for me!”
One-year plan: Jeremiah 51-52, Hebrews 9
Two-year plan: 2 Kings 22:1-23:20, John 12:37-50