One-year plan: Ezekiel 23-25, 1 Peter 1:1-2:17
Two-year plan: 1 Chronicles 7, John 16:25-17:5
I have a non-believing friend who wrestles with the idea that there is a God at all. He would have once claimed faith, but no longer does he think his “conversion” was a genuine one—by his own admission. It seems unfathomable to him that there is a God who made this universe, called out a people, sent His Son to die for us, and who will one day gather all believers together for eternity. To top it all off, we have not seen this God we’ve chosen to follow!
Peter wrote today’s New Testament words to a group of believers who were facing suffering – and, whose situation was such that they had never seen Jesus. They had not seen Him in the past, nor were they seeing him in the present. Still, they loved Him. Still, they believed in Him. Still, they rejoiced, even with “inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Pet 1:8) that looked forward to the return of Christ. They were living by faith, “the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen” (Heb 11:1). Thus, these believers were facing suffering and trouble, but with undeniable hope.
We, too, must trust a God we have not seen. We can do that, though, especially as we look around this Thanksgiving Day, 2024, and consider all the ways this unseen God has met our needs, redeemed our hearts, and given us a Christian family that is uniquely loving and giving. We may not have seen Christ directly—yet—but we can certainly see His hand around us.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How are doing in trusting God you cannot see?
DAILY PRAYER: “Almighty Father, help me to be holy even as You are holy – even though I have not seen You.”
One-year plan: Ezekiel 26-28, 1 Peter 2:18-3:22
Two-year plan: 1 Chronicles 8, John 17:6-19