One-year plan: Daniel 6-8, Jude
Two-year plan: 1 Chronicles 23:1-24:19, John 21
It’s one of the things that most fascinates me about Christianity – that God Himself lives within us through His Holy Spirit. In the power of the Spirit, we can live as God calls us to live. That is, we grow in faith, live in the love of God, trust the mercy of God, reach out to those who doubt, lead others to salvation, and fight for holiness (Jude 1:20-22). More specifically, we have the privilege to “pray in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20).
To “pray in the Spirit” in this case is not likely some supernatural sense of speaking in tongues, but it’s nonetheless incredible. That is to say, we’re privileged to pray to the God who created the world, and He listens to us. To pray “in the Spirit” is to pray in accordance with the work and will of the Spirit living in us, and we understand that will via God’s Word. The Spirit inspired men to write the Word, helps us to understand that Word, and empowers us to live out that Word. When we live that way, our prayer channel is wide open.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you pray “in the Spirit”?
DAILY PRAYER: “God, help me to pray as You desire.”
One-year plan: Daniel 9-12, Revelation 1:1-2:11
Two-year plan: 1 Chronicles 24:20-25:31, Acts 1:1-11
*portions first published in 2017