One-year plan: Genesis 15-19
Two-year plan: 2 Chronicles 25:17-27:9, Acts 7:51-60
“And he [God] remembered Abraham” (Gen 19:29). These words are again a phrase that blesses my heart and challenges me every time I read it.
Judgment had fallen on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. God had had enough of their sin, and He was ready to destroy them. At the same time, Abraham had been praying persistently for the righteous remaining in the city—in particular, surely interceding for his nephew Lot, whom Peter later identified as a righteous man (2 Pet 2:7-8). Even as a righteous man, though, Lot lingered in the city long enough that God sent angels to rescue him before judgment fell.
Why did God do that? Because the compassion of the Lord was greater than Lot’s desire to stay, and God remembered Abraham and his intercession. The prayers of a righteous uncle saved the life of his nephew. The challenge for me is twofold: (1) do I have righteous prayer warriors interceding for me so that I won’t lean toward sin in any way? (2) am I interceding for other righteous people like Abraham prayed for Lot? I want to take seriously my responsibility to live for Christ and pray for others.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: For whom are you praying today?
DAILY PRAYER: “God, help me see someone for whom I need to pray.”
One-year plan: Genesis 20-23
Two-year plan: 2 Chronicles 28:1-29:11, Acts 8:1-13
“A son was born to Seth also, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.” (Gen 4:26)