One-year plan: Genesis 27:1-29:30
Two-year plan: 2 Chronicles 31-32, Acts 9:1-9
Little did I know when my parents moved our family from West Chester, OH, to Mason, OH (a move of about five miles, actually) that the move would result in my meeting a seventh-grade classmate who would talk to me about Jesus. All I knew was that we were moving, and the move meant a change of school systems—a fact I did not like. In fact, I was a brat about it now that I think about it.
More than a year later, I visited a church to get my classmate off my back—and God unexpectedly met me there. He called me to Himself in such a powerful way that I spoke with the pastor and prayed with him to give my life to Christ. Then, as I sat on the front row of the church that day, the Lord again unexpectedly and dramatically called me to preach. So strongly did I sense that calling that I have never once questioned it in more than 50 years. In no way could I have imagined how clearly God would encounter me that day.
I think of those days when I read Jacob’s unexpected encounter with God in today’s reading. As Jacob made his way to Haran, he stopped at nightfall—and had an unusual, seemingly unexpected encounter with God. There, via a dream, God assured Jacob of His presence and blessing. All Jacob could say was, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. . . . What an awesome place this is! This is none other than the house of God” (Gen 28:16-17). Unexpected . . . but powerful and life-changing.
That’s what I pray God will do for those I love who don’t yet know the Lord. I want Him to catch them unexpectedly and undeniably.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: When was the last time God unexpectedly encountered you?
DAILY PRAYER: “God, make Yourself known to those I love who have not turned to You.”
One-year plan: Genesis 29:31-32:32
Two-year plan: 2 Chronicles 33:1-34:13, Acts 9:10-25
“A son was born to Seth also, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.” (Gen 4:26)