01/29/25 Delay that Leads to Idolatry


One-year plan: Exodus 30-33

Two-year plan: Nehemiah 8:1-9:37, Acts 14:8-20


If you’ve read much of my writing, you know I’m generally impatient. In fact, I often joke that I hope there’s no line to get into heaven because I’m not sure I could wait . . . but impatience can bring trouble. 

In today’s reading, we read of a people who let impatience lead to disaster. The same people who had agreed to do all that God required of them changed their tune when Moses stayed on the mountain longer than they thought he should have. It was “when the people saw that Moses delayed in coming down from the mountain” (Exo 32:1) that they turned to Aaron to make them gods to lead them. They must have been convinced that after 40 days on the mountain, Moses was not likely to return—and they turned to false gods. Impatience thus became a step toward idolatry.

I, too, get impatient when God doesn’t answer my prayers as quickly as I’d like. I don’t always listen long enough to hear God’s leading before I take the next steps forward. Sometimes I move first and ask God’s blessing second. Whenever I follow any of these patterns, I’m choosing what I want over hearing what God wants – and that’s the core of idolatry.  My impatience thus evokes my own idolatry. How about you? 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you ever get impatient with God and His plan? 

DAILY PRAYER: “God, grant me patience today.”  


One-year plan: Exodus 34-37

Two-year plan: Nehemiah 9:38-10:39, Acts 14:21-15:5


 “A person’s steps are established by the Lord, and he takes pleasure in his way.” (Psa 37:23)

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