01/31/25 Completely


One-year plan: Exodus 38-40

Two-year plan: Nehemiah 11, Acts 15:6-21


It’s hard to miss this phrase in today’s Old Testament reading: “just as the Lord had commanded.” In fact, this phrase or a similar one occurs 18 times in the 81 verses of these two chapters of Exodus! The people were not always as faithful or obedient as they needed to be, but this time their work met the expectations of Moses and more importantly, God. As a result, Moses blessed the people (Exo 39:43), and “the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exo 40:34). So powerful was the glory of God that Moses could not even enter the place of meeting.  

I long to see God’s glory in such force. Thus, today is one of those days when the Word leads me to do some heavy-duty self-analysis:

  • Do I let my light shine before men to glorify the Father, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I so detest my sin that I take drastic steps to avoid it, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I love my enemies and pray for them, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I pray like Jesus commanded?
  • Do I let go of worry and trust God, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I deny myself and take up my cross to follow Him, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I truly love God with all my being, just as Jesus commanded?
  • Do I love my neighbors as myself, just as Jesus commanded?

I consider these questions, and I realize I have much room to grow if I long for God’s power and presence to be evident in my life. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you doing everything God has commanded? 

DAILY PRAYER: “Help me, God, to be obedient. Fully.”   


One-year plan: Leviticus 1-6

Two-year plan: Nehemiah 12, Acts 15:22-41


 “Then he said to them all, ‘If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.’” (Luke 9:23)

*first published in 2017

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