A Good Word to Preachers (and Ultimately to Other Church Workers) from H.B. Charles

Preachers, teachers, and church workers,

I encourage you to pay attention to these words from H.B. Charles, even if they challenge you:

God uses weak people. The message of the gospel is magnificent. The messengers of the gospel are not. If God is not using you greatly, it has nothing to do with the fact that you are weak. In fact, the problem may be that you are not weak enough. Think about that.

Are you weak enough for God to use you?

Are you weak enough to totally depend on the Lord for strength?

Are you weak enough to stop believing in yourself?

Are you weak enough to lean on others for help?

Are you weak enough to quit using your pain, fear, background, limitations, and circumstances as excuses for not giving God your best?

God uses weak people, not gospel superstars. We are weak and fragile clay pots at the Master’s disposal to convey the treasure of the message of Jesus Christ. God uses weak people because He wants everyone to see that the power is His alone (2 Corinthians 12:9). May the Lord continue to help me to be content with the high calling to preach the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

What about you? Do you want to be somebody?


Charles Jr., H.B.. On Preaching: Personal & Pastoral Insights for the Preparation & Practice of Preaching (pp. 150-151). (Function). Kindle Edition.

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