05/27/16 Mixed Marriages

READING: Nehemiah 10-11  This devotion is about marriage, which may surprise you in the middle of a study of the book of Nehemiah — but…

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05/26/16 Enjoying His Goodness

READING: Nehemiah 9  It’s just one primary verse that nails me today, but let me give you some background first.  These chapters speak recurrently of…

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10 Misperceptions about Young Pastors

In the past, I’ve written about misperceptions of missionaries and misperceptions of pastors. Because of my love of young pastors, I’ve interviewed and surveyed some of them to learn what they believe are misperceptions of their generation. Here are the primary findings:

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05/25/16 The Word of God

READING: Nehemiah 7-8  I hope you’ve grown to love the Word of God more as you’ve been reading with us this year. Even if you…

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05/24/16 Praying and Fighting

READING: Nehemiah 4-6  All through our Bible reading this year, we’ve learned that God is the One who fights the battles for us. In today’s…

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05/23/16 Lord, Be Attentive

READING: Nehemiah 1-3  I wish prayer were easier to do. In fact, I wish that I woke up praying, spent the day praying, and fell…

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05/22/16 To Be Like Ezra

READING: Ezra 7-10  Let me get straight to the point today: I want to be more like Ezra in today’s reading. Let these images sink…

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05/21/16 Discouragement and Faith

READING: Ezra 4-6  It’s one of Satan’s primary strategies against the leaders of God’s people. You might think it’s lust, or power, or prestige, or…

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