04/29/16 The Summary of a Life

READING: 1 Chronicles 1-2 I wonder what people would write about me if they had one brief line to describe my life. I read folks who say…

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04/28/16 Across the Line

READING: 2 Kings 23-25 The Lord’s anger. It is real. It is right. It is agonizing. And, it’s mentioned nine times in chapters 21-24 of…

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10 Great Commission Thoughts to Challenge You Today

Five times in the New Testament, Jesus gave us a command about taking the gospel to the world (Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-47, John 20:21, Acts 1:8). Think about Jesus’ words and the thoughts here today, and pray about your role in this task.

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04/27/16 Torn Robes

READING: 2 Kings 20-22 Let me be honest here. I don’t grieve enough over sin among the people of God and within the nation in…

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04/25/16 Exiled

READING: 2 Kings 15-17 They were the people of God, but their history was one of rebellion and rejection. Kings did not follow God’s ways. The…

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04/24/16 Honesty

READING: 2 Kings 12-14 In some ways, it is really easy to be dishonest. We can have private sin in our life, and no one…

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