04/23/16 Not Careful Enough

READING: 2 Kings 9-11 The words are ominous ones: “Yet Jehu was not careful to keep the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with…

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04/22/19 Outnumbered

READING: 2 Kings 6-8 It surely looked like the prophet and his servant were in trouble. In fact, all the servant could see were the…

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04/21/16 A Holy Man Passed By

READING: 2 Kings 4-5 I’m thinking today about great men of God I’ve studied or known. In history, I love studying Charles Spurgeon. Personally, I’m…

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10 Problems in Church Foyers

Whatever we may call this entranceway to a church building and the worship center – which I will call “foyer” for consistency – here are some of the problems we’ve seen in years of church consulting.

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10 Questions People Have Asked Me about Pastors

It’s funny, actually. I’m a professor and church consultant, though I’m a pastor at heart – and I serve as one of the pastors at my local church, Restoration Church in Wake Forest, NC. But, because people see me as seminary professor/trainer first, they often ask me questions about pastors.

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12 Markers of Churches on the Downslope

Church growth writers talk about the bell-shaped curve that characterizes the growth of many churches. Based on my years of church consulting, here are some markers of churches on the downslope.

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