14 Mistakes Search Committees Make

I’ve work with a number of pastor and staff search teams as they vet possible candidates for their open positions. I’ve also spent a lot of time listening to candidates talk about their varied experiences in the process.

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01/06/15 The Power of Prayer

READING: Genesis 19-21 I don’t think often enough about the power of the prayer of a man who follows God. Abraham was not perfect, but he…

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01/05/15 Beware of Impatience

READING: Genesis 16-18 God had promised that Abram would have a son of his own, and his descendants would number like the stars (Gen. 15:4-5). The problem…

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01/04/15 And God Said

READING: Genesis 12-15 Think about the joy you have when you talk with people you love. Your spouse shares words of love with you. Your preschooler just loves…

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9 Strategies that Have Helped Me Pray

Many believers struggle with praying consistently, and I count myself among that number. Here are several strategies, though, that have strengthened my prayer life over the years.

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