01/25/16 Carefully Obey

READING: Exodus 22-24 We’ve seen before in our readings that God is the warrior who fights our battles for us. When we remember this truth,…

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01/24/16 Fear of God?

READING: Exodus 19-21 It’s simple: it’s not the devil that we need to fear — it’s God.  I’ve read much about spiritual warfare, and far too many…

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01/23/16 With the Help of Others

READING: Exodus 16-18 One of the reasons we often lose spiritual battles is that we fight them alone. Maybe that’s because we’re generally loners, or…

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01/21/16 Against All the Gods

READING: Exodus 10-12 Ten plagues. Blood. Frogs. Gnats. Flies. Livestock. Boils. Hail. Locusts. Darkness. And then death of the firstborn. Time after time, God displayed…

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8 Verses that Drive My Walk with God

I have so much room for growth that it alarms me sometimes. Nevertheless, I’m giving you my life verses in hopes that you, too, will have verses that drive you forward.

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01/20/16 Staff vs. Staff

READING: Exodus 7-9 The enemy we face is supernatural, but he’s not God. He is powerful, but he is no match for God. No way. Not a…

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