12/21/15 Our Great High Priest

READING: Hebrews 1-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Jesus is greater than all — greater than the angels, greater than Abraham, greater than Moses, greater than Joshua, greater than Aaron — that’s one…

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12/19/15 Controlling Our Passions

READING: Titus 1-3 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I love the Word of God. It’s powerful. It speaks to my life today. It shows me how to live. It truly…

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Dealing with Dying Programs in a Church

Most of our churches have at least one – that is, a program that’s not working anymore. The activity goes on, but it’s now more a habit than a transformational ministry.

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12/18/15 Pouring Out Our Life

READING: 1 Timothy 1-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Timothy was Paul’s protégé in the faith. Paul the apostle poured his life into Timothy, preparing him to carry…

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12/17/15 The False God of Worry

READING: Philippians 1-4 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Sometimes I read a Bible text, and all I can do is immediately confess and pray. I suppose today’s reading of the book…

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