8 Verses that Drive My Walk with God

I have so much room for growth that it alarms me sometimes. Nevertheless, I’m giving you my life verses in hopes that you, too, will have verses that drive you forward.

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01/20/16 Staff vs. Staff

READING: Exodus 7-9 The enemy we face is supernatural, but he’s not God. He is powerful, but he is no match for God. No way. Not a…

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Things I’ve Learned about Corporate Worship

Almost 35 years ago, I began pastoring my first church. I remember planning worship services, typing the order of worship, and praying the worship would go well. Looking back, I’ve realized how little I knew about corporate worship at the time.

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01/19/16 Fickle Followers

READING: Exodus 4-6 It’s funny how fickle we are sometimes. We serve God . . . but only until things don’t go our way. Look…

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01/18/16 “Moses, Moses”

READING: Exodus 1-3 Do you remember when God first called you to Him? Perhaps it was through your reading the Bible, and the truths just…

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01/16/16 Weeping for a Long Time

READING: Genesis 46-47 Maybe you’ve never seen the picture of a reunion and reconciliation before. I’ve been around long enough to see several different types of each: the…

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