10 Steps to Win over Pornography

We’ve now come to the end of another year – a year of victory for some and defeat for others. Like every year for the past several years, I watched in 2015 as more church leaders fell into the trap of pornography.

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01/01/16 Victory out of Defeat

READING: Genesis 1-3 Some things never change, it seems. Today’s reading takes us back to the Garden of Eden, to the beginning of creation. Even…

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Top Ten Devotionals for 2015

While I greatly enjoy writing the daily blog posts for this site, I enjoy even more writing the daily devotions that hundreds of folks now follow.

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12/30/15 Blessed Are Those Who Die

READING: Revelation 12-18 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  There are those days when the Word of God breaks your heart in two, as the living Sword pierces your…

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