11/25/15 Giving Birth

READING: Galatians 4-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Ministry is difficult some days. You give all you have, and few people respond. The work in never-ending, it seems….

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11/24/15 Compromise on the Horizon

READING: Galatians 1-3 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I know I believe the gospel. It is central to my life. All that I do is connected to this message that…

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11/23/15 Singing and Praying

READING: Acts 15-16 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  When we lived in Kentucky, I taught at a local prison. Though the guys I taught were usually Christians, they were still human —…

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11/22/15 Tongues

READING: James 1-5 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  The tongue is a powerful thing — so powerful, in fact, that James says that no man can tame it…

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11/21/15 But God

READING: Acts 13-14 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Do you need encouragement today? If so, keep reading.  On one Sabbath during his first missionary journey, Paul and his…

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11/20/15 Are You Crazy?

READING: Acts 11-12 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  The early church was praying for Peter’s release from a jail cell, especially when James had been put to…

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