07/29/23 Saturday Prayer Challenge

Preachers are wise to hear these words of Bryan Chapell this weekend: “Public ministry true to God’s purposes requires devoted private prayer [quoting David Helm]. We…

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07/27/23 Ego

READING: ZCIsaiah 13-19    Scholars debate whether Isaiah 14 refers to the fall of Satan behind the fall of the king of Babylon, but…

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07/26/23 Hope

READING: Isaiah 8-12    The people would not listen to the prophet, instead choosing to live in wandering, dejection, affliction, and darkness. But . ….

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07/25/23 Sin

READING: Isaiah 2-7    Here’s the way Isaiah described that situation in his day: “For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen because they…

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07/24/23 Heaven and Earth

READING: Song of Solomon 2-8, Isaiah 1     As God prepared to indict His people for their ingratitude and stubborn rebellion, He (through the…

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