11/19/15 Isn’t This The Man?

READING: Acts 9-10 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Everyone told me he would never come to church. In fact, they said every other preacher and evangelist who had…

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11/18/15 Brothers and fathers, listen…

READING: Acts 7-8 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  The religious leaders of Stephen’s day were so concerned about his doing signs and wonders in Jerusalem that they falsely accused…

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11/17/15 Boldness

READING: Acts 4-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Some days I wonder how much passion I really have for Jesus. Just when I think it’s strong, I read texts like some that I read today —…

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10 Problems with Sermon Illustrations

I once heard a professor say that a sermon illustration is “a window that lets the light in on the truth of the Word.” I like that picture (that is, an illustration itself . . .) to help me understand the importance of illustrating truths.

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11/16/15 Filled with the Spirit

READING: Acts 1-3 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today begins our readings in the book of Acts, a book that focuses on the power of the Spirit. As I grew…

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11/15/15 Breakfast Time

READING: Luke 24, John 20-21 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading brings to the end our reading of the four Gospels — and the focus is again…

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A Challenge to Preachers

When I was a young preacher, a godly man introduced me to the writings and preaching of Vance Havner.  This Havner quote challenges me to…

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