12 Thank You Notes or Emails to Write this Year

Maybe you’d prefer to send a text or an email, but I nevertheless encourage you to express your thanksgiving to several people this year. With Thanksgiving just two weeks away, surprise somebody between now and then with a word of thanksgiving. 

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11/11/15 That We Might Be with Him

READING: John 14-17 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  There is almost too much in these chapters to consider. From Jesus’ promise that He was going to prepare a place…

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11/10/15 The Lord Turned

READING: Luke 22, John 13 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Perhaps you have Bible verses that, no matter how many times you read them, stop you in your…

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11/09/15 What Can I Say?

READING: Matthew 26, Mark 14 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I cannot number the times I’ve said something I’ve later regretted. I try hard to listen and think before responding, but that…

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11/08/15 Well Done?

READING: Matthew 25 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading continues the discussion of Jesus’ return. In this chapter, though, are recurrent and dramatic images about those who are…

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11/07/15 Concerning that Day

READING: Matthew 24 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  The year was 1978. I had studied the return of Jesus extensively (as had most everyone else in the Christian world, it seemed)….

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