06/23/15 The Sin of a Nation

READING: 1 Kings 12-14 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: These chapters deal with false worship under Jeroboam, king of Israel, and the failure of Rehoboam, king of Judah —…

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06/22/15 Being Fascinated with God

READING: Proverbs 30, 31 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: These final chapters of Proverbs cover many issues, including the famous passage about a godly wife in Proverbs 31. I focus…

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06/20/15 Living in the Light of Death

READING: Ecclesiastes 7-12 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: In Ecclesiastes 9:2-3, the writer recognizes that all people face one fate: death. The righteous or the wicked, the good…

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06/19/15 The Value of Companions

READING: Ecclesiastes 1-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: As one who tends to be a loner, I need to hear these words from the book of Ecclesiastes today: Ecc. 4:9-12 Two…

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06/18/15 The Rebuke of a Friend

READING: Proverbs 27-29 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: I am reminded through the reading today that we do not live in isolation as believers. The writer of Proverbs,…

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