07/18/15 The Defeat of Death

READING: Isaiah 23-27 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Today’s reading brings to light a central truth of the gospel: our God has overcome death, and in Him we…

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Brief Thoughts on Jesus and Amazement

I was not raised in a Christian home. I first heard about Christ when God planted in my seventh-grade classroom a fanatical twelve-year-old Pentecostal preacher who made it his goal to win me to the Lord that year.

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First Steps in Leading toward Change

During these two weeks, I have tried to help you assess your church by providing ten questions about each of the purposes of the church. Today’s suggestions are designed to help you get started in addressing any issues raised in your analysis.

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07/16/15 The Power of Pride?

READING: Isaiah 13-17 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: These chapters, which are primarily oracles (judgment announcements) against the nations, resound with God’s judgment on pride.  Isa. 13:11  I…

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Is Your Church a Global Church?

I am trying to help you assess your church by providing ten questions to evaluate your church’s approach to each of the purposes of the church. Today’s questions focus on your church’s commitment to reach the globe – including North America.

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07/15/15 But They Would Not Listen

READING: 2 Chronicles 28; 2 Kings 16-17 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Ruin was upon Israel and Judah in these chapters. Judah’s king Ahaz had turned thoroughly to…

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