06/09/15 Speaking Truth

READING: Proverbs 19-21 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: One of the central teachings of the book of Proverbs is the necessity of being truthful, particularly with words. As a…

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06/08/15 Simple Lessons for Life

READING: Proverbs 16-18 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: There is so much wisdom in Proverbs that I think I sometimes miss it. In today ’s readings, these statements are simple,…

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06/07/15 Wisdom through Others

READING: Proverbs 13-15 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Continuing the proverbs of Solomon, these verses cover many topics. Particularly important to me today are texts about seeking guidance and…

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06/06/15 The Struggle of the Lips

READING: Proverbs 10-12 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Many of the sayings for today’s readings address the use of the mouth. The bottom line is this: the wise,…

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06/05/15 Wisdom to Avoid the Traps

READING: Proverbs 7-9 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: These chapters continue to describe wisdom, with a particular application to resisting seduction and adultery. Within that context,…

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06/04/15 Sin Will Be Punished

READING:  Proverbs 4-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These proverbs cover several issues, but one theme is that we are to listen to the good instruction…

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06/03/15 The Cry for Wisdom

READING:  Proverbs 1-3 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading begins the book of Proverbs, a book filled with general truths that speak practically to life. Specifically,…

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06/02/15 The Gift of a Wife

READING:  Song of Solomon 1-8 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading is the entire book of the Song of Songs. Whether you see this book…

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