
READING:  Psalm 119:1-88 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading is the first eleven sections (stanzas) of the longest chapter in the Bible — a psalm…

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05/29/15 Reflections on Life

READING:  1 Kings 1-2, Psalm 37, Psalm 71, Psalm 94 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  If you have been a long-time believer, when was the last…

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05/28/15 Praise the Lord!

READING:  Psalms 111-118  TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s scripture readings resound with reasons to praise the Lord. In the busyness of this day, take time…

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Previously, I posted on “Thirteen Signs of Leadership Fatigue.” Several readers asked me to write a follow up post about ways to deal with these signs. Maybe these suggestions will help you move past leadership fatigue.

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READING:  Psalms 131, 138-139, 143-145 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I am both challenged and humbled by these psalms.  The scriptures are so filled with life…

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READING: 1 Chronicles 23-25 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters cover David’s turning his kingdom over to Solomon, followed by David’s assigning the work of the…

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05/23/15 Having Too Much Strength

​READING: 2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21-22, Psalm 30   TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters tell the story of David’s taking a census, followed by God’s…

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05/22/15 Worshiping the King

READING: Psalm 95, 97, 98, 99   TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  All of these psalms focus on worshiping the King with our lifestyle and our words….

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