
READING: 2 Samuel 22-23, Psalm 57   TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters in 2 Samuel deal with David’s song of thanksgiving and his final words. As I read…

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05/20/15 Pain Caused by Sin

READING: Psalm 5, 38, 41-42   TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Psalm 38 is the psalmist’s cry for healing from a sickness apparently caused by sin. While…

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5/19/15 An Old Age Request

READING: 2 Samuel 19-21   TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters deal with David’s return to power after the civil war with the forces of Absalom….

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05/17/15 Consequences of Sin

READING: 2 Samuel 16-18 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading continues the story of Absalom’s rebellion against David, ending with Absalom’s death at the hands of…

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05/15/15 — Consequences of Sexual Sin

READING: 2 Samuel 13-15 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters deal with David’s son Amnon’s rape of his half-sister Tamar and the beginnings of Absalom’s rebellion against…

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READING: Psalm 32, 51, 86, 122 TEXTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY:  Some of these psalms deal with cries for forgiveness, and they express both the agony…

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READING:  2 Samuel 11, 12; 1 Chronicles 20 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters are primarily the story of David’s sin with Bathsheba and his…

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Folks,  Just wanted all of you to know that I am now adding these devotional reports to my website at www.chucklawless.com, and I’m inviting…

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READING:  Psalms 65, 66, 67, 69, 70 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Though these psalms cover different topics, prayer is a recurrent theme: 65:2  All humanity…

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