10/16/15 I Stand Amazed

READING: Matthew 9-10

TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  A few years ago, I wrote a book entitled, Nobodies for JesusThe thesis is that if we are amazed by Jesus (and thus, less amazed about ourselves), we’ll be much more likely to tell others about Him. We stop talking about Him when we lose our wonder over Him. When I wrote that book, little did I know how shallow my own wonder of Jesus would prove to be. 

You see, the more I read the Bible, the more I’m amazed by Jesus. In today’s text, here’s what grabs my attention.

First, He can read my mind. Even as He knew the thoughts of the scribes when they called Him a blasphemer, He knows my thinking: “But perceiving their thoughts, Jesus said, 'Why are you thinking evil things in your hearts?'” (Matt. 9:4). 

He knows my thoughts. Every one of them. Nothing is hidden. Frankly, that truth shakes me a bit.  

But, then I read the next story in Matthew 9, where Jesus ate at Matthew’s house. There, the religious leaders asked His disciples incredulously, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (Matt. 9:11). They couldn’t believe that a rabbi would eat with the outcasts. 

Do you know what I find hard to believe? That Jesus knows my every thought, and still He chooses to include me in a meal with Him! He really did come for the sick and unrighteous, and I fit that camp well. That He invites me as His guest to the table is nothing short of miraculous. 

I stand amazed. Again. 

ACTION STEPS: Make a list today about the things that amaze you about Jesus. Then, consider this question: “If Jesus really amazes me, how should my life change today?”  

PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, You came to us while we were yet sinners. Help me not to forget that gracious truth today.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9:1-17


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