READING: Numbers 33-34
It’s just a travelogue, it seems — a full chapter that describes the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land. Verse after verse says, “They left __________ and camped at ___________.” The places are sometimes hard to find, and their names are even harder to pronounce. It’s easy to skip over these chapters of Numbers and press on toward Deuteronomy — except that these chapters are also the Word of God.
Actually, these chapters teach us much. First, God always has a plan. Sometimes it includes great victories (like when the Hebrews “marched out [of Egypt] defiantly in full view of all the Egyptians” (Num 22:3). At other times, it includes struggles (like when God’s people seemingly had no water to drink—Num 33:14) and death (like the passing of Aaron—Num 33:38-39) — but it’s still God’s right plan.
Second, God brings glory to His name via His plan. He brought plagues on Egypt as He “brought judgment on their gods” (Num 33:4), and He then demanded that His people “destroy all their [Canaanite] carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places” (Num 33:52). God would take second place to no other gods as His people carried His name.
Third, it’s good for us to recall how God has directed us in the past as we look toward the future. Numbers 33 allowed the Hebrews to see God’s hand in leading them. Both the current and future generations would then remember that God’s guidance is right, that obedience brings blessing, and that disobedience invokes His judgment. All of us need to remember these truths.
In fact, here’s my suggested action step today: take the time to write a brief bulleted list of how God has guided you through the years. Prepare something that your children and grandchildren can read someday when they need these kinds of reminders. You might even record something on your computer or phone, and then share the file with your family. Let God’s guidance yesterday and today become a source of faith for someone tomorrow.
ACTION STEPS: Consider these steps:
- Do your written or oral history of God’s guidance. Invite your loved ones to listen to your story. Taking an hour to do this task will bring glory to God for generations.
- As you review your life, be aware of idols in your life today. Confess them, and reject them.
PRAYER: “God, I praise You for the way You have always led me. Help me to love You fully in turn.”