11 Questions to Determine Where the Enemy’s Winning in Your Life

I spent some time this past weekend talking with college students about the enemy’s strategies to defeat them. Thinking about these issues, I was reminded of these questions to ask to see where Satan might be winning in your life:

  1. Am I jealous of anybody? Jealousy is not of God. In fact, it’s idolatry – idolatry of myself because I think I deserve better than somebody else does.
  2. What am I hiding?  One of the best ways to find the enemy’s strategy is to take note of your secrets. The enemy loves secrets that stay hidden.
  3. When’s the last time I told the gospel to a non-believer?  Satan is not alarmed by believers who keep the gospel story to themselves. Our silence = his win. 
  4. Whom do I need to forgive? Forgiving others is not optional for followers of Jesus. We’re even to leave our gift at the altar and fix a problem if somebody else has something against us (Matt 5:24). Bitterness is the enemy’s tool.   
  5. How important is recognition to me? Our pride is fertile ground for the enemy. It’s impossible to glorify Jesus and ourselves at the same time, so Satan directs our attention to us.
  6. What am I struggling to believe? Even we who teach the Word sometimes wrestle with believing it all. The enemy will do anything he can do to bring down the Scriptures – including fostering doubt in our minds. 
  7. How would my spouse evaluate our marriage? From the Garden of Eden on, Satan has aimed his arrows at marriages. What would your spouse (not you, as you might be blinded to reality) say about the state of your marriage? Is Satan winning? 
  8. What’s going on in my head? Sometimes we find ourselves leading God’s people even while a spiritual battle is erupting in our mind. If the enemy’s winning there often, he’ll likely gain more territory in your life soon.
  9. Do I see myself as a nobody? Sure, we’re children of wrath apart from God’s grace (Eph 2:3). But, Satan’s victorious if believers so hold on to our depravity that we remain defeated. 
  10. Who's walking beside me as a mentor or accountability partner? If you're fighting spiritual battles on your own, you've made yourself even more vulnerable to Satan.
  11. Am I ready to quit? The enemy likes to rob us of our faith like an hourglass loses its sand – a few grains at a time until our belief is depleted. If you’re close to quitting, the enemy’s probably winning.

What other questions would you add to this list?    




  • Brett says:

    Much like the story that Jesus told of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18, I sometimes catch myself thinking that I am better than others, people I know or people that I pass in daily life. As a pastor, sometimes I am tempted to think I have it all together. I am the one who probably least has it all together! I am no better than anyone. I may be better off than some in terms of material things, but I am certainly not better than anyone. I need the grace of God daily. I need His mercy. I guess the bottom line is that I struggle with pride and self-righteousness, and I need to be ever ware of that.
    Thank you for your ministry!

  • Chuck Lawless says:

    Thanks for the honesty, Brett.

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