Take a look at these resources to help you this week:
How to Deal with Where Things Are in America by Ronnie Floyd
These are crazy days in America – days to welcome this simple, clear advice from Dr. Floyd.
One Way to Wade through Grief by Ernest Grant II
This post is a call to turn to journaling when dealing with grief. It made me think about journaling not only in times of pain, but also in times of rejoicing.
3 Reasons Leading Volunteers is a Great Test by Eric Geiger
Most of us work with volunteers in some capacity. Eric’s words reminded me why this work is both challenging and rewarding.
Five Reasons Nobody Comes to Your Training by Danny Frank
These words are profoundly simple – so simple that they’ve made me think all day about poorly attended trainings that I’ve offered in the past!
How the Digital Age Helps Us Pray by Sam Rainer
I’m always looking for resources to help me pray better. Sam reminds me that I already have access to some of them.
Thanks for the link, Dr. Lawless!