12/06/16 They Heard Reports

READING: Galatians 1-3

They're just a couple of verses about Paul’s testimony, but they’re verses that ignite my spiritual fire today. After his miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus, and before he had made his way to Judea, the churches in that area had not yet met him personally. They had “only heard the report: 'The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy” (Gal 1:23). 

It was just a report, but so much was packed in those words! Paul, the Pharisee turned persecutor, did his best to destroy Christianity. He went from house to house to arrest believers. Now, though, reports said that something dramatic had happened to him. He not only was no longer attacking Christians, but he had also become one of them! He who had sought to wipe out the young church was now preaching their message. All the church could do then was glorify the Lord for His grace that transformed Paul: “And they praised God because of me [Paul]"  (Gal 1:24).  

I know that few believers have a testimony as potent as Paul’s, but I can still think of folks dramatically changed under the power of God. Glenn, a man filled with meanness, was melted under the hand of God. Dave (name changed) wrestled with sexual addictions until God saved him. Truman was a good husband and dad before meeting Christ, but even he was a new man after his conversion. Pam found peace in Christ after experiencing the pain of a broken marriage. I could add to this list the names of Muslims who turned to Christ, alcoholics who found freedom in Him, criminals who discovered Christian joy in a prison cell, and wayward teens whose purpose in life became clear in Jesus. I’m sure you can add names to this list, too. 

And then I think of my own life. God saved me when I was 13 years old, so I can hardly speak of the sins of Paul’s pre-conversion life. I can pray, though, that others might hear what God has done in my life through my preaching, teaching, writing, and blogging — and through my simply sharing my faith with my neighbors and friends. I want others to praise Him with me.     


  • Think about people you know whose lives have been dramatically changed by the gospel. Praise God for the reports you’ve heard.  
  • What do people hear about you and your life? If they hear something other than your faith in Jesus, ask God to change your heart so He is your priority.       

PRAYER: “Father, if people see me, walk with me, talk with me, or only hear reports about me today, I pray they will praise You for what You’ve done in me.”  



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