It’s no secret that Satan aims his arrows at families. In the Garden of Eden, he disrupted the marriage of Adam and Eve. In the very next chapter of the Bible, his influence was so great that a brother killed a brother. From that time, our homes have been in his sights. Here’s why:
- He aims in general to destroy what God has created. That’s just his nature. If God had granted him permission to do so, he would have killed Job.
- He wants to destroy the witness of our marriage. Paul told us in Ephesians 5 that our marriages are a picture of the gospel. If the enemy destroys my marriage, I can no longer model the gospel by loving my wife Pam as Christ loves the church.
- Satan hates our children. He delights when our adult decisions affect our children by turning them against God and the church. Sometimes we become the enemy’s tools to do that when we follow his ways more than God’s.
- The enemy wants to take out the primary place of disciplemaking. The first place for making disciples is in the home, where parents are to disciple their children. When that home is messed up, the church’s disciplemaking work is only harder.
- He wants to harm our witness. Satan loses us from his kingdom when we follow Christ, but he doesn’t back away; in fact, the battle only gets tougher. He can’t rip us from God’s kingdom, but he can dim our light for the gospel.
- He strives to remove people from ministry. I know that church leaders debate what sins disqualify us, but that argument is beside the point here. The bottom line is that Satan wants to so destroy our homes that we have nothing left for ministry.
- Satan wants to redirect the church away from evangelism. He will do whatever he can to keep us from taking the gospel to our non-believing neighbors and the nations – including so attacking our homes that our pastors spend all their time trying to put out family fires.
- He always wants to hinder prayer. Peter warned us that unhealthy marriages block our prayer channel (1 Peter 3:7). Satan will always aim to rob us of power by weakening our prayers.
- He delights in scars he can attack later in life. Our sinful choices often leave scars in our life and in the lives of our children. Satan doesn’t miss opportunities to rip them open when he wants to later in our life.
- He wounds entire church families when a home falls apart. That’s part of what it means to be a church – we all hurt when one hurts. Great anguish sets in when a brother and sister in Christ choose to end their commitment made to God.
Pray today for your family, and then pray specifically for four other families. Let’s cover thousands of homes in prayer today.
Satan is definitely attacking my family. Everyone is mean and nasty and hateful towords each other. They are becoming extremely disrespectful and fighting and arguing. No one is speaking to one another. I know this is the devil.
Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus loves her and has given to her great authority and power over all the angels. Satan hates being subject to a mere human being. To get rid of Satan pray to Mary – using the mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection as ways to bring Mary and Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit more fully into your family.
Thanks, Jack. My own theology does not agree with your position about Mary, but I appreciate your taking the time to write.
Uhh, negative on the Mary stuff. The power of God is in Jesus Christ, the one who lives.
His mother Mary is dead. God rest her soul.
I totally understand this two days 2 daughters fought in my living room once I stepped out it was so.bad my oldest daughter daughter so.bad left finger Mark’s on her neck when I ran in and jumped.on the. I got.hit in my lip she wouldnt.let go.i the devil he the room before they were on the floor hitting each other they love each other since they were eyoi friends and since about year ago theirs been rumors.bery hurtful youngest about what my older.daughter had said about.a.boyfriend my youngest is with know. Please pray for.peace and healing because the police were called and I dont.qant to see anything happen to my girls families they both have young children.
I have already been attacked twice he made someone blame me for something I didn’t do
My entire family is under attack. Every one is sick.
Of course Satan desire to destroy our marriages and thus our families. In the beginning Satan mission was to cause raft between God and Man. This was the case between the very first couple Adam and Eve; as sin continued to spread throughout the world the family unit was the next target. You see, the family is the key image of the reference of Christ love for us. Each family member has a role and through the Word of God we have the description to fulfill such duties. Do not give up, continue to press forward in the Word!!
Amen! Stand FIRM in your faith for He is faithful! I pray for each one of our families, Satan must stand down in the NAME OF JESUS!! 🙏
Satan is definitely attacking my family! He is destroying our marriage , he is making us argue in front of our son , he is attacking my husband making him into a person he never was! I pray to God he protects us from Satan and his evil plan….. I don’t understand one day my husband and I are happy , cooking together and enjoying eachothers company then the next day my husband is cursing , insulting me , not himself! please pray for us.
I can empathize with you anonymous, when I read your post, it was like I was reading about a carbon copy of my own life. May God bless us both through this trial…
The exact same thing has been happening to me and my husband as well. Then he has turned my 3 grown sons against me for no reason. I believe it is demonic and I know that God is watching over me and my daughter. I just pray this comes to an end at some point. My husband and I will be great for a time period and then Satan starts working on his insecurities and then the demon comes. Then we go back but I have even had friends and neighbors see him in that state and they agree that it is not him. I turn it to My father because I don’t know what else to do.
Please pray for me and my wife. I feel under attack from the pit of hell. I don’t want to say any more. God only knows what I’m going through at the moment. I pray to put on the full armour of God and I strongly rebuke the devil. Thank you.
Find Kevin LA Ewing on YouTube. Start there and let him Direct you to self help through SCRIPTURES. GOD BLESS YOU….
Devil is really at work,just trying against my Dad
Greetings. I think we ALL have to pray for the discernment and wisdom to understand when the enemy is attacking. Many times we blame external forces for things we choose to do and it isn’t to say that the enemy isn’t active because of course he seeks to steal – kill and destroy but we can control the amount of power we give the enemy in our lives. That was what Jesus did while in the wilderness but he did so with the literal word of God. We can do the same thing when the enemy attacks. This is because God’s word is the light that illuminates the darkness that Satan seeks to keep us in. We must remember the world was already dark and Satan had already fallen and so that’s where he dwelled until God spoke the words “Let there be light.” which allowed light into the world and the continuous flow of God’s spoken words ultimately allowed us to inhabit that once dark world beginning with Adam & Eve. It was the disregarding of God’s word that allowed Satan to get to Adam & Eve in the 1st place – If they had taken God’s word literally and used it against Satan as Jesus later came to do – it is possible that the outcome in the garden would have been different and maybe the ugliness and calamity that plague humanity today would not be. The beauty of it in my opinion is that we have the opportunity every day we wake up to bring a bit of heaven to earth through God’s word and have the opportunity to be as Jesus was in the wilderness and rebuke Satan ANY and EVERY time he attacks, but we have to first work on our relationship with God. If we remember when Adam was created – The first thing God gave him was His presence to establish the importance of THAT relationship. Later – God gave Adam responsibility of tending to the garden, naming the animals, etc. thus establishing the responsibility of Man (mankind) to keep, preserve and be productive. We have gone so far from what God originally intended in His creation of this world and of us and to correct it is going to take an extremely valiant effort from ALL believers to help influence God’s judgement on the world. If we look at 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land.” God is essentially giving us the formula to stay His judgement and turn things around.
1. Humble ourselves – Let’s stop living by “our truth” and defining things on our own terms and live by God’s truth (his biblical word) and let that be the only truth.
2. Pray – If we pray incessantly we bring forth the power of heaven to earth as in the Lord’s prayer and scripture even tells us that effectual and fervent prayer of righteous people avails much
3. Seek My Face – If we are seeking Him we aren’t seeking the enemy or worldly ways we are seeking God’s ways which can effect the outcome of our actions in the world.
4. Turn From Their Wicked Ways – We can stop being influenced by the world and what it does and says to the point of being good people to one another outside of the holiday season. We can love our neighbor as we love ourselves throughout the year. Is it difficult to not be influenced by the place we all were born and raised in? ABSOLUTELY! I struggle with my worldly ways EVERYDAY – But through the leadership of the Holy Spirit I make the choice to do the best I can to be the best person I can – which is the person God created me and really created us ALL to be – I fall short daily as well either in thought or deed, but that is part of the greatness of God’s Grace & Mercy that is renewed to us daily if we ask for it through prayer & petition. Please do not lose Hope Saints! Through Him we can do this!
Please God you know the situation in all our lives, I pray for the armor of God to protect all our families, and the lost and broken. Please Father keep the enemy away from us! In Jesus name ❤️ 🙏
I have been truly feeling the enemy wreaking havoc on my family the past few months. It’s been so hard and all I do is pray. It doesn’t help that my youngest daughter is a nonbeliever and I pray every day that she finds Jesus because she is struggling so much with mental health issues right now and it breaks my heart daily to see her in so much pain. I’ve experienced the love of God and I wish she could experience that herself but everything lately in my household has been a literal rollercoaster and sometimes there’s so much anger and hostility between everyone. I find comfort in my church family, they have been so wonderful. I know that I’m blessed in many aspects but I really need to heal my family and my home. I’ll never stop praying and holding onto my faith 🙏
We have daughter that is causing quit a rift between her family believing her when she claims our son raped her which we know is not true. They were raise on the mission field in a Moslem country and my husband and I believe they brought bad spirits home. My daughter is verbally abusive to me blaming me for every thing that has gone wrong in her life. Her and her husband spent 25+ years in that country raising all 3 kids there. The oldest moved away because my daughter was trying to overide her daughter-in-law in minding their business not her own. The daughter went through a divorce and has 2 little boys. She is the accuser and the youngest boy turned gay almost as soon as he got home off the field. We are heart broken she is so down on me for things that happened 50+ years ago. I haven’t been the greatest example for a mom as I got away from the Lord for a bit and did some wrong things. God forgave me and for that I am eternally greatful for the grace of My Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach. Thank you for the article on how satan attacts the very elect. Please pray for our family my husband is 90 yrs old and I am 87. We don’t need this disrespect and hurt in out last yrs. They have hinted to live here and run a camp but we said no because when we are gone it has to be divided 4 ways for 4 kids but they won’t listen, at least our daughter is causing us grief. There is so much to this I can’t writ it all so pray much for us.
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