Last week I posted “7 Signs that You’ve Lost Your Wonder over Jesus.” This week, I plan to post some ways to address this issue if you found yourself in that post.
So, do you want to strengthen your faith today? Take time to think about the ways that God worked to draw you to Christ when you first trusted Him as your Savior. God saved me when I was 13 years old via the testimony of a 7th grade classmate—but His workings within the events of my life were numerous. Let me tell you some of the story.
- Our family moved to a new neighborhood. We moved only about five miles, but it was far enough to cross school district lines. In my new school, I would meet my evangelist classmate.
- I rebelled against the move. In fact, I told my mom – and to her credit, she didn’t clobber me – “I’ll make you regret the day you make me move.” I was a 12-year old brat. But, when my friend told me I was a sinner, I didn’t require convincing.
- Surrounding our new home were believers. On one side lived a Baptist deacon and his family. Behind us lived the Baptist church secretary and her family. These folks would eventually become my transportation to church until I was old enough to drive.
- My classmate was an “in your face” witness for Christ. He refused to give up on me even when I rejected his message. For nine months, he regularly told me about Jesus. Had he walked away early, I doubt I would have ever heard him.
- My younger brother attended church with our neighbors. Though it would be years later when he followed Christ fully (he’s now a church planter in Ohio), he asked me back then, “Chuck, have you ever thought about getting saved?” when he was first considering the same question. How much does God love me that He sent my then-questioning brother to witness to me?
- My uncle unexpectedly died. He was still a young man who had returned from the Vietnam War when he died, and he was the first relative I remember dying. His death made me think about what would happen to me if I died.
- I longed for friends. Even as a young teenager, I found myself desperately wanting people to love me. My family loved me, but I would learn about another kind of love through Christ and His people.
- I found myself in a Bible-believing, gospel-preaching, Christ-glorifying church. I went there because that’s where my neighbors were going – not because I was looking for this kind of church. God alone put me there.
- There, I heard the story of Jesus again. It was same story of Jesus my friend had been telling me, but now I was ready to hear it. Jesus died for me. The story that amazed me then is still amazing to me today.
Spend some time today reviewing what God did to reach you. Be filled with wonder.
It was through the witness of my mother that I prayed to receive Christ, but it was also through the withness of my older brother too. He had just been baptized and the joy of his salvation was so great that he wanted his little brother to know that joy. Thanks for sharing this Chuck.
Blessings, John.
For me it was 11/16/58, I was 23 but my life was a mess and I was living the bar scene. I was not raised in a Christian home, and knew nothing about being born again. I was in a bad marriage and had 2 small boys, I am sitting at my kitchen table around 3 am. Very upset and thinking about suicide, when a presence filled the room and I heard in my spirit “go to church and you will find peace”. I was not afraid and I knew who was speaking, I replied ” I do not know which church to go to” then I heard “I will show you”….He did and the rest is history, I am still amazed!!!
Thanks, Bonnie. Blessings on your walk!
Gives me goosebumps to read this while God just put the song Precious Memories sung by Randy Travis in my headphones.
What an encouraging read this morning as I sit in the hospital with my wife and our 1 year old daughter, Madison for more testing.
Topping it off, I just looked at the date of this post l, and it was last October, which was when Madison had her first seizure.
Your statement, “God alone put me there,” just about sums up my experience in this moment.
As precious memories of God’s goodness in my life flood over my soul, I’m reminded that while brokenness got us in this hospital room, God alone can rescue anyone from anything. He still raises the dead to life and can still take incurable diseases away from sweet little girls.
Thank you, Jesus.
Praying for you and your family, Nick. I trust our readers will join us, too.