10/26/18 My Redeemer Lives

READING: Job 18-21

“But I know that my Redeemer lives. . . .”

Job 19:25

Always, there is hope in the God who has redeemed us. Even Job recognized that in the midst of his painful trials of life. In what are perhaps some of the most quoted verses of this book, Job said even in his despair, “But I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the end he will stand on the dust. Even after my skin has been destroyed, yet I will see God in my flesh” (Job 19:25-26). It’s not clear how much Job understood about the physical resurrection and salvation that the New Testament describes, but it does seem clear that he expected his living God to redeem him and give him life. Indeed, Job expected God to vindicate him, and he expected to see God beyond this life.

However clearly Job understood these concepts, they gave him confidence in despair. His heart may have been broken by the events of his life, but he still longed for the day when his Redeemer would take care of it all. Then, God would not be a stranger to him, and he would not be a stranger to God.

I, like Job, don’t understand everything about the future. I can’t explain how resurrection will take place. I don’t know all the details and processes that will lead to my redemption. What I do know, though, is sufficient for me. The life He gives me is everlasting (John 3:16), and death will be gain when the Lord calls me home (Phil. 1:21). To be with God eternally will make any suffering I face in this world today lose any power it has over me. My Redeemer lives, and so will I with Him. 


  • Rejoice in the peace that God gives us when we remember that our Redeemer lives.
  • Live well today by looking forward to seeing Christ. 

PRAYER: “God, I praise You that my Redeemer lives. I give my life to You today in that confidence.”


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