02/27/18 Number My Days

READING: Numbers 10-13, Psalm 90

“Teach us to number our days carefully.”

Psalm 90:12

“Life is short.” I’ve heard that phrase many times, for many years, and in several different cultures. Most of the time, I’ve heard it and paid little attention to it. To be frank, you don’t think much about the brevity of life as long as you assume that more of your life awaits than has gone by. Now, though, things are changing.

At age 57, I’m fairly certain I’m more than halfway through my life. Yet, a look at my high school classmates on Facebook takes me right back to Mason, Ohio, where I grew up; the four decades that have past seem like no time at all. I even think of my elementary school years, and those days seem like yesterday. Everything appears to be moving so rapidly in my lifetime – from black and white television to hundreds of cable stations; from stick-shift cars to autos that drive themselves; from party-line telephones to Skype conversations; from room-sized computers to hand-held ones. The days pass more and more quickly, it seems.

Thus, I hear what the psalmist says in Psalm 90:12—"Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” I want to live wisely, wasting no time and missing no opportunities. I want my priorities to be right. Wisdom dictates that I fear the Lord and serve Him fully, being always aware that the days are short and accountability to Him is sure. The bottom line is that I don’t want to waste my days. 


  • Watch for opportunities to speak about God’s goodness today. Don’t miss them.
  • Evaluate your life to determine where you might be wasting your energy and time. If you are not a follower of Christ, turn to Him in prayer and surrender your life to Him. 

PRAYER: “Father, teach me to be aware of my days. Show me where I’m not using them wisely.”

TOMORROW’S READING:  Numbers 14-16, Psalm 95


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